A 52 year old male with giddiness,Vomitings,Loose stools 2 days back Involuntary movements of bilateral upper limbs since yesterday morning

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.
I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 

A 52 year old male came with the chief complaints of giddiness since 3 days 
Vomitings 2 days back
Loose stools 2 days back 
Involuntary movements of bilateral upper limbs since yesterday morning

History of presenting illness
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 days ago then he developed giddiness sudden onset more on standing and later progressed to giddiness on supine position 
Vomitings 2 days ago 3 to 5 episodes/day content as food particles non bilious non projectile and non blood stained
Loose stools 2 days ago about 3 to 5 episodes per day normal consistency
Involuntary movements of Hands and fingers since morning
No history of loss of consciousness, up rolling of eyeballs, involuntary micturition or defecation and headache

Detailed history

52 year old male , who is father of 2 children ( one daughter and who does marketing by occupation was apparently asymptomatic 22 years back .

At 28 years of age ,he used to work as a private school teacher and got married and went to the abroad ( Dubai) and started working as store manager in Dubai and used to come to India once in a year.

6 years back, as patient want to stay in India and came back from abroad and started marketing ( used to sell biscuits ) and from then he used to have clashes with his wife.

1 and 1/2 year back, patient seperated from his wife and children and started leaving alone in a single room , which is a very hot and doesn't have proper ventilation.

4 days back patient wife and her brother called him and asked him regarding his properties and from then onwards , he was feeling stressed and on the same day he was on fasting ( rojha ) and on the next day onwards patient had vomtings 2episodes along with loose stools 5 episodes and next day onwards patient started having giddiness and slightly drowsy and brought here for further evaluation.
No addictions.

Past history
K/c/o HTN since 5 to 6 years and on medication telmisartan 40 mg 

General physical examination
Patient is concious coherent and cooperative
Vitals on admission
Bp 130/90
PR 96
RR 20
Temp 96.8F
Spo2 97 on room air
Grbs 117 mg/dl
No pallor icterus cyanosis clubbing lymphadenopathy and edema 

Systemic examination
 S1S2 + 
No murmurs 

BAE present
Position of Trachea – Central
Normal vesicular breath sounds present

    Shape of abdomen – scaphoid 
    Bowel sounds are present

Higher mental functions intact
Pupils bilateral NSRL
Sensory examination - couldn't be assessed 
        Rt. Lt. 
UL    N.   N
LL.   N.    N

            Rt.    Lt 
UL.     5/5.  5/5
LL.      5/5.   5/5

        B. T. S. K. A. Supinator 
Rt.    -   -   -   -   -   Extension 
Lt.    -   -    -   -   -  Extension    

Provisional diagnosis
Giddiness under evaluation 
Hyponatremia under evaluation
True hyponatremia
Hypovolemic hyponatremia (serum osmolality 238)
(Hypovolemic hyponatremia)

HB 13.6
Pcv 35.1
TLC 19000
RBC 4.67
Plt 2.87
Esr 5
Grbs 112
Blood urea 12
S creatinine 0.7
Serum sodium 121 to 119
Serum potassium 3.7 to 3.8
Serum chloride 86 to 74 
Aptt 34 sec
TB 2.45
DB 0.59
Sgpt 38
Sgot 83
Alkaline phosphatase 131
Total proteins 6.9
Albumin 4.2
A/G ratio 1.52
Serum calcium 9.5
Magnesium 2.0
Serology negative
On 28/3/23
on 28/3/23
on 29/3/23
Iv fluids 0.9%NS at 75 ml/hr
Inj optineuron 1 amp in 100ml NS/IV/OD
Inj pan 40mgg IV/OD
Inj metrogyl 500mg IV/TID
Tab oflox oz (200/500mg) PO/BD
Inj zofer 4 mg IV/BD

SOAP notes
C/o SOB and irritable behavior
Stools passed yesterday night
Involuntary movements decreased compared to previous day BP

Patient is irritable
Oriented to time place and person 
BP 150/110 mmhg 
PR 82 bpm
Temp 96.4 F
RR 24 per min
Spo2 92 on room air 

Cvs S1 S2 heard no murmurs
RS bilateral air entry present
Normal vesicular breath sounds diffuse 
Wheeze present
Gcs E4V5M6 
Sensory examination - couldn't be assessed 
        Rt. Lt. 
LL. N. N

            Rt. Lt 
UL. 5/5. 5/5
LL. 5/5. 5/5

        B. T. S. K. A. Supinator 
Rt.    +/-   -   -    -    - Extension 
Lt.    -   -    -    -    - Extension    

Provisional diagnosis

Hyponatremia under evaluation
True hyponatremia?Hypovolemic hyponatremia 
Giddiness and involuntary movements under evaluation 

HB 13.6
Pcv 35.1
TLC 19000
RBC 4.67
Plt 2.87
Esr 5
Grbs 112
Blood urea 12
S creatinine 0.7
Serum sodium 121 to 119
Serum potassium 3.7 to 3.8
Serum chloride 86 to 74 
Aptt 34 sec
TB 2.45
DB 0.59
Sgpt 38
Sgot 83
Alkaline phosphatase 131
Total proteins 6.9
Albumin 4.2
A/G ratio 1.52
Serum calcium 9.5
Magnesium 2.0
Serology negative


Iv fluids NS at 100 ml/hr
Inj optineuron 1 amp in 100ml NS/IV/OD
Inj pan 40mgg IV/OD
Inj metrogyl 500mg IV/TID
Inj zofer 4 mg IV/BD
Inj ciprofloxacin 200mh IV/BD
Inj 3%NS at 10ml/hr
Neb with iptavent and budecort 8th hourly 


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