32 year old male with puffiness of the face and swelling of lips

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evident based input.

This E blog also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.
I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with diagnosis and treatment plan. 

Patient presented with complaints of swelling of face, difficulty in swallowing and change in voice since yesterday night
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 16 years back, then in 2007 after exposure to cement dust he developed sudden difficulty in breathing, inability to speak, swelling of face , lips, hands and legs. Emergency tracheostomy was done and treated conservatively and got relieved. 
He was found to be allergic to smoke inhalation of burnt plastic, garbage, any offensive smell, strawdust and cotton.  
He is also allergic to foods like Brinjal, mutton, fish and papaya. 
The symptoms aggravated even on anxiety. Swelling on face increases after any H/O trauma.
Patient used to develop symptoms on and off from the past 16 years. Patient was referred to Outside hospital i/v/o immunotherapy in 2011 and was treated with some unknown medication and was advised precautionary measures against allergens. Again in 2016, patient was presented with some complaints as in 2007 when emergency tracheostomy was done, patient since then complains of occasional swelling of face, hand and legs which relieved on taking medication. 

Again in 2021, Patient presented with complaints of swelling of face and difficulty in breathing and was treated with FFP’s, adrenaline, nebulization, hydrocort and symptoms got relieved. Patient had around 6-7 hospital admissions in the past 16 years.

Done in 2020 December 
C4 complement serum is less than 8 mg/dl
C1 estarase inhibitor protein is 65 mg/dl

Not a k/c/o Htn, DM, cad,thyroid disorders, epilepsy,tb
He is allergic to straw dust,burnt leaves, garbage, plastic smoke,
He is also allergic to foods like Brinjal, mutton, fish and papaya. 
No significant family history

On examination
Patient is concious coherent and cooperative 
Perioral/lip edema present
Facial puffiness present 
Temperature 98.6F
Pulse rate 106bpm
Respiratory rate 18per min
BP 110/70 mmhg 
Spo2 98 at room air 
GRBS 110mg/dl
Systemic examination
CVS s1s2 heard 
No murmurs
Rs bilateral air entry present
Per abdomen soft non tender 
Power normal in bilateral upper and lower limbs 
Tone normal in bilateral upper and lower limbs 
No meningeal signs 
Previous Tracheostomy scar present.
Edema of lips present

On 22/2/23
Provisional diagnosis
Angioedema under evaluation

Inj hydrocortisone 100mg IV stat
Nebulization with adrenaline 1amp stat
Nebulization with budecort tid 
Nebulization with duolin qid 

Chest xray pa view
Hb – 11.8
TLC – 16600
Neu – 90
Lymp – 06
PCV – 40.5
RDW – 18.2
RBC – 6.3
PLC – 5.3
BT – 2 min 30 sec
CT – 4 min 30 sec
APTT – 35 sec
PT – 18
INR – 1.33

Alb – trace
Pus cells -2- 3

RBS – 124
B.Urea – 32
S.Creat – 1.2

Na+ - 141
K+ - 3.9
Cl- - 105
Ca2+ - 1.11

TB – 0.89
DB – 0.20
AST- 21
Alt -16
T Protein – 7.3
Albumin -4.59
A/G -1.69

DVL referral
ent referral


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